Proposition 87: To Be Or Not To Be.

I write this because 1) I'm a member of CalPirg and 2) I have to vote yes or no on Prop 87 on the November 7th, 2006 California election. Donald Trump says to keep up with local, national, and global events, so this is a way to do that, and tell you a thing or two about California politics along the way. Thanks for stopping by!

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Location: San Mateo, California, United States

Friday, October 20, 2006

A little bit about Proposition 87.

Dear Blogging Community and Calpirg Of California,

I got an email from Calpirg again, a California organization of which I have been a faithful member for a few months now. I do not usually pay money to support an organization unless I actually know what they are doing and agree. Admittedly, I only pay a few bucks a month (What are the 10 Commandments again?), but that's almost 331/3 cents a day. Two days (or even one day and some luck), and I can send a decent letter through the US Postal Service. So the point is, I want CalPirg to reach an audience, and I think they do too.

I changed some parts of Steve's message minimally, for reasons you most likely can come up with yourself.

I will comment upon this article shortly, after I am satisfied that this blog made it up on the web. I want to quickly draw your attention to the final part of the email from Steve B: "
P.S.  Thanks again for your support.  Please feel free to share this e-mail with your family and friends." Thank you, Steve, for allowing me to share this email with the blogging community at large (and the internet? I don't know about that one--my attempts to find my blogs from Google Search have so far been unsuccessful, but maybe the Google crawler hasn't come around yet, I don't know, or I need to check some switch somewhere. I'm quite new to this blogging activity).

Oh, and I voted for "End Our Addiction to Oil" as well. Isn't humanity one big struggle against addiction? To food, to drink, to smoke, to the internet, to intellectual pursuits, to money. All joking aside, the oil industry is a dirty business, quite literally (oil is slick...have you ever seen birds that were coated with oil because of an oil spill?).

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Blackledge, CALPIRG Legislative Director" <SteveB At
To: <
BloggerShurik At

Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 10:20 AM
Subject: CALPIRG : We're halfway there

Hi Alexander,

The voting on the design of the signs was very close, but in the end, the
winning sign has the slogan "End Our Addiction to Oil."  Thanks to
everyone who sent in great ideas for slogans and voted on the final three

We're half way to reaching our goal of the $5000 needed to produce
thousands of Yes on 87 signs. If you haven't already, please make a
contribution to help fund our neighbor-to-neighbor outreach campaign.

You can make a contribution by clicking on this link or pasting it into
your web browser:

Here's more background about the campaign:

The latest polls show that Prop 87 is right on the brink of either passing
or failing on November 7th. We know that most Californians want to reduce
our dependence on oil and they want more clean energy alternatives.
Unfortunately, the oil companies and their allies keep pouring more and
more money into a negative advertising campaign to convince voters to vote
no on Prop 87.

We've been doing a lot of work to get our message out to the media. If you
live in the Bay Area, you may have heard CALPIRG's Emily Rusch this past
Wednesday on KQED's morning radio show "Forum with Michael Krasny,"
debating the merits of Prop 87 with one of the oil industry's hired
consultants for the "No on 87" campaign.

In addition, one of our main strategies to overcome the oil companies'
negative ad campaigns is to ramp up neighbor-to-neighbor support for Prop
87, by printing up thousands of signs to put up around the state. We know
that seeing visible neighborhood support for an initiative can make a far
greater impression on voters than a television ad. We have staff and
volunteers who will put many of them up in locations throughout the state.
We'll also ask you if you want to put some up in your neighborhood, by
either picking some up at our local office or printing them out yourself
at your local Kinko's. But first we need to raise the money to produce

Please help us raise $5,000 to produce thousands of signs to put up
throughout the state.

Please make a contribution by clicking on this link or pasting it into
your web browser:

Thanks for your support!


Steve Blackledge
CALPIRG Legislative Director

P.S.  Thanks again for your support.  Please feel free to share this
e-mail with your family and friends.


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